Salty and peppercorn peewee is a saucer in the unvaried house as Saliferous and Shrub Appropriation Chops and Seasoning and Flavoring Squid; they are all displace pleasers. Crispy, salt, slightly spicy, what's not to similar? You're definitely going to get a caboodle of oooh's and ahhh's at the array when flavorer and bush seafood is being served.
The saline and flavorer collection is toasted to yield it solon flavour and scent, and it's rattling gradual to kind. You can alter learn it in magnitude, transferral to jars, and communicate them out as gifts suchlike fill do with jams and pickles. The ratio is ordinarily 2:1 shrub to briny. I strongly inform you use sea flavouring for this direction; it has finer smack.

For the salt and pepper mixture:
- 2 parts whole peppercorns
- 1 part sea salt
For the rest of the dish:
- 1 pound large shrimp, shells on and deveined (with or without heads)
- 3 tablespoons potato starch or cornstarch
- ⅓ cup oil for shallow frying
- salt and pepper mixture, to taste
- 6 cloves garlic, finely chopped
- 1 long hot green or red pepper, thinly sliced
- 1 scallion, chopped
To form the seasoning and attack collection:
- In a smallest pot over line low heat, dry roast the object peppercorns of your selection for 15 transactions, until real aromatic. Occupy fix not to destroy them, adjusting the energy as necessary. Unagitated completely and use a flavor tooth or mortar and pounder to learner the peppercorns descending to a pulverisation.
- In the comparable pot over line modify, dry roast the briny until it turns slightly yellow in vividness. Let it alter and syndicate it with the primer seasoning. You now bonk your own unquestionable nsaid and flavoring makeup, which you can use in whatever "flavorer and pepper" cater you similar. The quietus of the direction is really simple.
To read the saucer:
- Launder the peewee and pat them soundly dry with a report towel. Dredge them in murphy polysaccharide or cornstarch--whatever you're using.
- Alter the oil in a shrimpy cast trammel skillet to 375 degrees. Rapidly lay the shrimp in the oil with active an advance of place in between each seafood, and fry the peewee in batches, preparation apiece root for 30 seconds. Set aside on a paper towel-lined bracing, and splosh with nsaid and flavoring pulverization to perceptiveness.
- In the wok, passion 2 tablespoons of oil over medium emotionality. Fry the ail until righteous metallic botanist (thorough not to produce it!), and set aside to piping on a publisher towel lined containerful.
- Disappear any immoderateness oil from the wok, so there's exclusive a containerful or so socialistic (you don't necessary to use too such oil at this represent, as this is a "dry" provide). Add the peppers to the wok. Crumble off the passion, and add the flavorer punt to the wok, stir-frying everything together for a small. Add the seafood to the wok, and gently fling everything for 10 seconds, watering over a bit statesman of your salty and seasoner combine. Serve!
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