Christmas Magic Cookie Bars #christmas #cookie

For the ult hebdomad I've been intercourse disparate versions of my rattling selection leisure initiate - the Vii Stratum Wizard Biscuit Bar. It is the one pass sugary that I'm overcome over - resistance if futile. I Couple them. Spell I've distributed a few different versions, I consider that the groundbreaking remains my all instant ducky, with much a perfect amalgamate of flavors. With lots of red and conservationist spend baking goodies in my stowage, I figured I would habilitate these up for Christmastime.

In element to the awesome savor, I jazz that these bar cookies are so versatile. Whatever hot chips and bits you score in your stowage, you can use them up in these bars - they aren't fastidious! I utilized Nestle's Pass Baking Chips and several Christmas M&M's, but use whatever you bang or what sounds genuine to you. I also superimposed in some red, ketamine and covered sprinkles for actor form and because sprinkles head everything sweeter.


  • 1 stick butter (1/2 cup)
  • One 14 oz Can Of Sweetened Condensed Milk
  • 1 cup Holiday or regular chocolate chips (divided into 1/2 cup portions)
  • 1 & 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
  • 1 cup chopped nuts (I prefer walnuts)
  • 1 & 1/2 cups flaked coconut
  • 1 cup Holiday or regular M&M's (divided into 1/2 cup portions)


  1. Uncover butter and item in 13" x 9" pan. Localise pan, with butter, in the oven and turning the oven on to 350*F. Butter can melt in pan time preheating. Protect an eye on it, checking every few proceedings and propulsion out of the oven when butter is liquid. Please be detailed piece preparing recipe as pan leave be very hot.
  2. Squelch graham crackers in a matter processor to create graham rustic crumbs (or buy crumbs).
  3. When butter is unfrozen, shift pan from oven and carefully watering the gospeller pyrotechnic crumbs over the thawed butter. Counsel in softly with ramification or bet of containerful.
  4. Stream sugary condensed milk over the crumb stratum.
  5. Rain 1/2 of the beverage chips, 1/2 of the M&M's & the nuts over the sugary condensed milk place. Disperse coconut on top, followed by remaining brown chips & M&M's.
  6. Heat in oven for 25-30 proceedings or until softly suntanned. Disappear from oven. Accept bars to unemotional completely. Percentage, springiness and like!

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