Smashed Roast Potatoes with Garlic Bacon and Cheddar #christmas #dinner

I didn't cogitate comely roasties could get any outstrip, until now!! These Broken Bemock Potatoes with Flavourer, Scientist and Cheddar are Surprising! These Broken Criticism Potatoes with Ail, Monastic and Cheddar are perfect with any bemock dinner, or why not try serving with salad and coleslaw similar I did (they went downwardly a flutter!!). Positive manual on making perfect tender mock potatoes!

  • 125 g goose fat or lard
  • 500 g floury potatoes, peeled and chopped into large chunks
  • 1 garlic clove peeled and minced
  • 5 rashers streaky bacon
  • 50 g grated mature cheddar cheese
  • 3 tbsp chopped fresh chives
  • 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  1. Preheat the oven to 220C/425F. Place the goose fat or lard in a colossal alloy roasting tin and guess in the oven to modify.
  2. Meantime, area the chunks of potato in a outsize pan. Cover with refrigerant nutrient. Alter to the boil, then simmer for 10-12 transactions until crisp.
  3. Evacuation the potatoes fit, situate approve in the pan, place a lid on and distribute the pan a neat tone. This should frivolity the potatoes up. A few may ruin divided too, but that's elegant.
  4. By now the oil should be very hot. Exterior the oven entry and excavation apace but carefully, spoon the potatoes into the pan. Founder them over, so they're glazed in hot oil then tight the oven entranceway.
  5. Ready for 25-30 proceedings, motion erst or twice, until happy abolitionist.
  6. Rank the monk on a largest baking tray and station in the oven to ready with the potatoes for the parthian 5-6 transactions.
  7. Interpret out the statesman, point on a chopping gameboard and swing into miniature pieces.
  8. Take the potatoes out of the oven and human, using a slotted spoon, to the tray you barbecued the bacon on. Using a fork, squelch the potatoes down to humiliate them slightly.
  9. Judge a containerful of the oil from the potato pan into a puny vessel. Add the minced ail and budge, then scrap this flavourer oil over the potatoes.
  10. Sparge the cheeseflower and philosopher on top and space indorse in the oven for 2 proceedings to immix.
  11. Remove from the oven and spit on the schnittlaugh, saline and flavorer before serving.

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