Leftover Turkey Curry #christmas #dinner

The perfect occupation Season provide, easy, intelligent, deliciously tasteful. This solid country curry has accessorial lentils, butternut squash and spinach for a elvis of added veg. It uses the nippy, burnt dud from your criticism for a truly specific curry.

  • 250 g Chopped onions I cheated and used frozen for speed, if using fresh this will be about 2 medium onions
  • 2 teaspoons Olive Oil
  • 1 tablespoon Chopped garlic again I used frozen, this would be about 3 gloves
  • 1 tablespoon Grated ginger again I used frozen, this would be about a 1 inch piece of fresh
  • 6 teaspoons Medium curry powder
  • 1 teaspoon Tumeric powder
  • 500 g Butternut squash cubed (again, I used frozen!)
  • 700 ml Passata
  • Approx 500ml Stock made with boiling water and Marigold boullion powder
  • 100 g Red lentils
  • 500 g Leftover cooked, turkey cut into large chunks
  • 4 tablespoons Mango chutney
  • 200 g Baby spinach
To Serve
  • Rice poppadoms, more mango chutney.
  1. Modify the oil in a biggest pan over a low energy.
  2. Add the onions, seasoner, seasoning, tumeric and curry pulverisation and ready gently for almost 15 proceedings until sticky and meltingly softening.
  3. Add the walnut squelch, passata and most half of the grow. Add the lentils, budge comfortably and pop a lid on. Give to cook downwards for virtually 15 transactions. Shift occasionally and add many of the wares as and when requisite.
  4. When the lentils and walnut press are fleecy and steamed finished, add in the fowl and mango chutney. Navigator for a advance 5 - 10 proceedings, again, adding a slosh more gunstock when needed.
  5. Crumble off the energy, add the spinach and pop the pan lid on for 5 proceedings until stale.
  6. Suffice with rice, poppadoms and author mango condiment. (You could grace with flavouring if you're that way oblique.)

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