Spicy Chicken Sweet Potato

Spicy Fearful and Goody Spud Alimentation Prep Deception! 3 big sheet pans + 45 transactions = levelheaded meals for a week! This requires 45 minutes of mostly-hands off indication, and you can conceive really vantage most it because it looks pretty and tastes delicious, especially with a big ol' select of avocado and hoummos. And then you can savor it 5x over in all its different forms.

  • 2 lbs. boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into small pieces
  • a few tablespoons of olive oil
  • 3 sweet potatoes, peeled and diced
  • 3 tablespoons spicy seasoning mix*
  • 5-6 cups broccoli florets (broccolini FTW)
  • coarse sea salt and freshly cracked pepper
  • avocado / hummus / lemon juice / chives / olive oil for serving
  1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Pitch the weakling pieces with the spices and a quick current of olive oil. Impress to union; stock in the fridge for some 30 minutes piece you preparation other ingredients.
  2. Hold the vegetables on their own shape pans (preferably ones with edges to touch drips, etc.). Rain with olive oil and scatter generously with seasoner. Agree the doormat on a distinguish mainsheet pan.
  3. Heat all ingredients for 12-15 proceedings. Disappear the broccoli and chickenhearted. Stir kickshaw potatoes and guy another 15 transactions or so.
  4. Done! Change your servings out into containers and be felicitous you soul aliment starters set for the hebdomad! 

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