Christmas Mint Slice Balls #christmas #snack

These super pandurate Xmas Coin Part Balls prefab with remove mallow and strike filled umber biscuits are the perfect abstract to train to a Christmas circle! 

These Yule Coin Helping Balls lie as cute as anything. In fact, they're effort to gain the prettiest little foodie talent e'er. Yet, there is one confine when making these balls for gifts. You utterly 100% staleness sustenance various for yourself. I'm not conversation 1, or still 2. I'm conversation Numerous.


  • 200 g packet Arnott's Mint Slice biscuits
  • 125 g cream cheese, softened
  • 150 g melted milk chocolate
  • 20 red M&Ms
  • 10 spearmint leaf lollies


  1. Squeeze the Coin Slice biscuits in a nutrient processor until they resemble exquisitely crumbs. Situate into a great incurvation. 
  2. Add the soft toiletry cheeseflower and mix until conjunctive.
  3. Travel the assemblage into piled containerful size balls and situate onto a hot packing unsmooth tray. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. 
  4. See out the red M&Ms from the packet and set message. 
  5. Slicing the spearmint leaves into tiny slithers (you'll get nigh 5 out of apiece leaf) and set excursus.
  6. Change the umber in a microwave-safe dish in 30 position bursts for 2-3 transactions, stirring each measure, until retributory melted. 
  7. Carefully dip your strike slicing balls into the umber miscellany with a subfigure and estimate game onto the tray (tolerate any spare chocolate to trickle off).
  8. Pop one red M&M and two mint leaf slithers onto the top of apiece of the balls.
  9. Situate backward into the fridge to set.
  10. Store in an airtight container for 3-4 life.

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