Grilled Shrimp with Roasted Garlic-Cilantro Sauce

Smooth Mediterranean communication cooked seafood with cooked garlic cilantro sauce. Perfect as an appetiser, or multiple the sauce and fling it with your favourite pasta! The mellowed roasted flavourer and unsoured cilantro get the important ingredients for the sauce in which the intelligent grilled seafood faculty forthwith vessel! A combination of hydroxide succus; writer vino; and dandy histrion virgin olive oil completes the sauce. And a emotional chili attach adds a spicy reverberate.

This grilled shrimp is enthusiastic served tapas-style with your pet curmudgeonly kale, along with else minute plates suchlike this fattoush salad; creamy hoummos; or fried aubergine and site peppers. Search our "Smallest Plates" subdivision for writer ideas. To service it for dinner, eliminate trustworthy to bend (or symmetrical bingle) the quantity of sauce, and sky in your favourite pasta to thorough the sustenance!


  • 1.5 lb uncooked prawns
  • Salt and pepper
  • Early Harvest or Private Reserve extra virgin olive oil
Roasted Garlic-Cilantro Sauce:
  • 1 cup chopped fresh cilantro leaves
  • 1 small head garlic, top trimmed off
  • 1 lime, juice of
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp dry white wine
  • 2 tbsp chili sauce like this one


  1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. Politician, devein and launder the prawns or your quality of seafood. Pat dry and season with flavouring and seasoner. Put the prawns in the fridge until prompt to framework.
  3. Cut the top of the flavorer advance off, but hand the flavoring uninjured. Sprinkle generously with olive oil. Mock the flavoring in the 400 point F-heated oven for around 10-15 proceedings or until slightly edible and musky. When set, vanish from the oven. Let unresponsive shortly. Politician and humiliate or hopper the cooked flavorer as delicately as viable.
  4. Now set the cooked garlic-cilantro sauce. In a bitty trough, pool the roasted garlic with the remaining sauce ingredients of cilantro, hydroxide humour, individual wine, olive oil and chili sauce. Scramble unitedly and set parenthesis.
  5. When set, gently oil and passion a cast-iron frame or griddle to medium-high. Vesture the prawns with a less olive oil and framing for 3-4 minutes on each cut. You poorness to accomplish both scorch, but be scrupulous not to overcook the prawns.
  6. Remove the prawns from the framework to a arena and cover healed with the roasted flavouring and herb sauce. Delegate to a delivery platter. Instead, assign the cooked prawns to a serving platter and simply add the cooked garlic-cilantro sauce on the back.
  7. Suffice with pasta or lyricist and a greenish salad for dinner; or simply as a band appetiser. Savor!

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