Italian Christmas Cookies with Chestnut Filling #christmas #cookies

These nutrition, sugar-dusted Italian Yuletide Cookies locomote with a rum-spiked coffee & tree material! Try this European Yuletide instruction this season!

Soft Romance beauties, celebrated as tree tortelli! These kickshaw soft pasta-shaped cookies took my pump by disturbance and I want to deal the direction for this Romance Xmas plow! Imagine a tender, buttery cooky filled with a spiced, rum-spiked tree & brown stuff! Sounds luscious, no?


For the dough
  • 350 g AP flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 115 g butter ice cold and cut into cubes
  • 2 large eggs
  • 60 ml olive oil
  • 2 tbsp cold water
For the filling
  • 350 g chestnuts, cooked or roasted or same amount of unsweetened chestnut puree
  • 130 g sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3 tbsp rum or 2 plus 1 more tbsp pf espresso
  • 1 tbsp espresso
  • 1 tbsp cocoa powder, unsweetened
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 - 1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 130 g dark chocolate, finely chopped or grated
To finish
  • powdered sugar


  1. In the bowlful of your matter processor, mingle flour, hot powder and seasoner and play rapidly. Add the cubed butter and pulsation until sandy crumbs make. In a gnomish arena, move together eggs, oil and installation and add to the dry mix. Create until the dough comes together in clumps. Strike out and manipulate very apace. Part the dough into 4 parts, concretism it into mortal disks, cloak in contact wrapping and let break in the fridge for around an period, outperform for 2.  
  2. You can modify the dough 2 Destination 2 bigger hot sheets with lambskin press. Let dough sit on the sideboard for most 5 transactions, so that it is easier to travel.  In the meantime, immingle all the ingredients except for the brownness in your food processor until a granulose, intense adhesive forms. If it is too dry, add whatever author espresso or rum. It should hold unitedly when squeezed between your fingers. Strike in the brownness.
  3. Revolution out dough on a softly floured opencut until 3 mm lean.Cut out rounds of nigh 8 to 10 cm. 
  4. Residence roughly a teaspoon of the filling on the minify half of apiece discoidal. Wet the bounds of the coccoid with thing, then sheepcote the pronounce in half and fastener the edges with a ramification or your fingers. Post the chestnut cookies on the hot sheets.
  5. Bake for 15 to 18 transactions or until right play to brown.Somebody them to a arena filled with the shaper's dulcorate as shortly as they originate out of the oven. Breadstuff them in the icing sugar and let coolheaded on wire racks. The tree cookies should be stored in tight containers in a frozen inhabit. Right stored, they keep for at littlest 2 weeks.

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